Tuesday 31 January 2012

My Green Baby- Home Remedies

You might not know this, but baby wipes aren’t always as “pure” as they claim to be!
Next time you are looking to buy a pack of wipes, turn them over and read the ingredients on the bottom. Don’t be surprised to see a long list of chemicals.
It is in these chemicals that you could be wiping on to your baby at least 10 times a day without rinsing or drying.
Here is a simple recipe that worked for me followed by some other simple, natural recipes.

Easy baby wipes solution - 
2 cups water
1 tbsp of your favorite organic baby wash
1 tbsp carrier oil (your choice)
This is the basic recipe. There are many variation but they all seem to be about the same make-up with different ingredients. For example, you can exchange the baby soap with aloe vera gel if you wish. All you do is fill the above ingredients into a spray bottle.

Recipes for Diaper Rash Ointments 
1/2 cup sweet almond oil (you can also use olive oil
2-3 drops lavender oil
2-3 drops tea tree oil
4 Tablespoons water
Mix all the ingredients together well. Transfer to a jar or bottle to use for applying to baby to ease a red bottom or diaper rash. Be very careful not to double dip!

Calendula Ointment Recipe 
This recipe is a little more involved than the recipe above. It may take a little more effort to make but it will make a fantastic diaper rash ointments. The ingredients are 1/2 cup dried calendula, 8 oz. vegetable shortening, 1 tablespoon beeswax.
Melt the shortening and beeswax in a small pan and then add the calendula petals to the hot mixture. Let them steep in the mixture while it cools down. Transfer the ointment into a small jar.

Other Natural Diaper Rash Remedies and Prevention 
One great healing property that I really like to keep around the house is an aloe plant. I keep one in my kitchen. Bottom looks a little red? Just break off a bit of a leaf, open it up and apply the aloe. This is a super natural way to heal a baby's diaper rash.
I personally used unrefined organic Shea butter on my son every time I spotted a little redness and it worked like a charm!

Homemade Baby Teething Biscuits
These are great especially if you store them in the freezer for those especially difficult and painful days. And even better, these have almost no crumbs at all. No crumbs, no mess!
Hard Teething Biscuit Recipe
2 eggs
1 cup sugar (white or brown)
2 1/2 cups flour
Break the eggs into a bowl and stir them until they are creamy.
Add the sugar and continue stirring until blended.
Gradually add the flour to make a stiff dough.
Roll the dough out between two sheets of lightly floured wax paper to about 3/4" thickness.
Cut the dough and roll it into small snake shapes (about cigar sized) to form somewhat biscotti shaped baby teething biscuits.
Place the cookies on a lightly greased cookie sheet. Cover with wax paper or saran wrap and let stand in the fridge overnight (about 10-12 hours).
Bake at 325 degrees until browned and hard.
Makes about 12 durable and almost crumb free teething biscuits.

Home Teething Remedies Baby WashclothsSimply tie a baby washcloth into a knot. Holding the loose ends of washcloth dip the knot into freezing cold ice water. Squeeze a little of the excess water out and hand it to your baby. The loose ends should stay dry. Both for baby to hang onto, but also to help catch the drool. Yup, you know they drool buckets when they are teething.

Frozen Fruit in a Mesh Baby Feeder 
Using a mesh baby feeder to feed your baby opens up a world of new foods to try with your baby, and it also doubles as a great baby teething remedy. These feeders are sometimes called "safe feeders" because it gives you the opportunity to feed whole foods to your baby without the risk of them choking. It also gives them some good practice at chewing.
For a baby teething remedy simply fill the feeder with frozen fruit. You can even fill it with ice cubes.

Stay tuned for more natural remedies =)

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